Sunday, October 18, 2009

Rasmussen Reports: Hucakabee Leading GOP As Potential Candidate

Rasmussen Reports (10/16/09):
Nationwide Republican voters:
Pick to represent the GOP in the 2012 Presidential:
- 29% Mike Huckabee
- 24% Mitt Romney
- 18% Sarah Palin
- 14% Newt Gingrich
-  4% Tim Pawlenty
-  6% Some other candidate
-  7% Undecided

Least Like to see get the nomination:
- 28% Tim Pawlenty
- 21% Sarah Palin
- 20% Newt Gingrich
-  9% Mitt Romney
-  8% Mike Huckabee

Viewed Favorably:
- 78% Mitt Romney & Mike Huckabee
- 75% Sarah Palin
- 69% Newt Gingrich
- 45% Tim Pawlenty

H/T eGOPNews - ARRA News Service

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